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In the Pyrenees, in the Coll d'Ares mountain pass, between France and Spain, at more than 1,500 meters of altitude, the high mountain conditions and daily care create medicinal plants of extraordinary potency and effectiveness.

Own crops

Because the effectiveness and quality of botanical products is based on cultivation and collection. To ensure the necessary concentration of active ingredients, the ecological quality and even the identity of the medicinal plants. Certified organic crops and biodynamic practices.

Black Calm

Own formulas

New and effective own formulas with as few ingredients as possible. 100% natural and organic. Toxic-free. Without additives. Vegan. Non-irritating: Dermatologically tested.

Black Calm

Manual harvesting

Do you know why?

Because it is one of the secrets for herbal preparations to work.

Because it is one of the pillars of quality in natural products.

Because this way we ensure the maximum concentration of active ingredients and effectiveness.

Black Calm